Minnehaha Creek Reach 20 Trails
St Louis Park, MN
Minnehaha Creek is a sinuous creek that runs through the heart of the Twin Cities to where it eventually connects to the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. Blackstone Contractors was contracted in 2012, as part of Phase 1 to realign the creek and restore wetland function within St Louis Park between Meadowbrook Road and Louisiana Avenue, adding meandering movements to previously straightened sections of creek, reducing stream flow soil erosion and filtering stormwater runoff of pollutants. Phase 2 is currently underway and is comprised of installing two pedestrian bridges, 1.3 miles of gently-curving boardwalk and asphalt trail on either side of the creek, interpretive overlooks and signage, improved canoe landings, invasive species removal, and wetland and native vegetation restoration.
The Star Tribune highlighted the work of the Watershed District, the City of St Louis Park and Blackstone Contractors on this project in an article on April 10, 2014.